Monday, June 07, 2004

More about technology tools

The following two paragraphs comprise a copy of a post I made to the EDTEC572 blog site. I am really enjoying learning about different tools to use for educational purposes. This is great.

Late this evening I found a few more educational technology resources. The first is the e-Learning Centre’s Guide to e-Learning. It has a great section on Blogging and RSS. From there I located How to use weblogs to create engaging learning experiences. From that article I went to the Australian Flexible Learning Community web site. These sites appear to offer much good information about using technological tools for education. The e-Learning site, as the name indicates, is dedicated to e-Learning; nevertheless, many of the tools and principals it showcases can also be used in F2F classes.

One reason I like these sites is because they both offer an international perspective on educational technology. In his article about creating engaging learning experiences Maish Nichani states, “…if you want to get up-to-speed in your field, just subscribe to the weblogs in your domain and read them everyday for at least six months.” I intend to read these sites regularly and to gain from them as much knowledge as possible.

john s.

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